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American Dental Care Blog

What Happens If You Skip a Dental Cleaning

March 25, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — youramerican @ 4:48 am
Woman with gum disease

There are all sorts of different reasons why you may skip your dental visits. For many people, it is because of a busy schedule, and for others, it is a result of dental anxiety. Even though it may not seem like a big deal, if you aren’t going to the dental office as often as you should, you could end up with some negative consequences. Continue reading to learn about the different oral health issues that can arise if you skip a dental cleaning.


6 Home Remedies to Deal with Oral Pain

March 1, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — youramerican @ 9:36 pm
Peppermint tea

Are you dealing with a toothache? Sometimes they can feel like the worst pain in the world. It is best that you schedule an appointment with your dentist is soon as you can for emergency treatment in order to get to the bottom of it. However, there may be a little bit of time between now and when you get to the practice. The good news is that there are some steps you can take at home in order to reduce the amount of pain that you’re feeling. Try one of the following remedies to get some temporary relief.


What Causes Canker Sores and Cold Sores, and How Can You Treat Them?

February 27, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — youramerican @ 8:21 pm
person with a canker sore on their lip

You probably know the feeling – you go to take a bite of something salty or take a sip of a highly acidic beverage, and bam! The pain feels much larger than the small sore inside of your mouth looks. Maybe you struggle with unsightly sores that appear around the outside of your mouth and lips. Mouth sores are a miserable thing to have to deal with, and if you’ve ever had them, you know this first-hand. What is the difference between them, and how do you treat them? Your Conway dentist has the answers!


How Does Ice Cream Affect Your Teeth?

February 12, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — youramerican @ 6:15 pm
person eating ice cream

“You scream, I scream…” You likely know how the rest of the common adage goes. Ice cream is nothing short of wonderful, and with so many non-dairy options available now, even those who have to avoid lactose can enjoy it. Like anything else, if consumed in moderation, ice cream is an enjoyable treat that makes the heart and stomach happy. Plus, regular ice cream is packed full of calcium! However, it’s important to keep in mind that eating too much of it can negatively affect your oral health. Keep reading to learn more.


Can the Quality of the Water You Drink Damage Your Teeth?

January 11, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — youramerican @ 11:29 am
Man gathering tap water in a glass from his kitchen sink

Studies show that on average, individuals should drink between 2.7 and 3.7 liters of water each day. But while you may be hitting or exceeding this measurement, the water quality can be damaging to your teeth. Here are 5 popular kinds of water and how they affect your oral health.


Dental Emergencies: 3 Ways to Keep Them at Bay

January 1, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — youramerican @ 11:24 am
3D drawing of dental pain

If you’ve ever had a dental emergency, you are more than aware of the stress and pain that typically accompanies it. A broken tooth or an unbearable toothache can sometimes be enough to make you shed a tear or two. When it comes to dental disasters, the best plan is to do your best to make sure you don’t have one. Keep reading for 3 ways you can help protect your smile.


How Do You Know If You Have a Cavity Between Your Teeth?

December 24, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — youramerican @ 8:20 pm
Man with a toothache

Many of us have been unfortunate enough to have a cavity or two in our lives. Whether you pick up on it because of increased sensitivity, or your dentist sees it before you do, it is important to have it treated so you don’t suffer with lasting issues. However, when you have cavities between teeth, also known as interproximal cavities, it can be more difficult to notice because you can not see the area as easily. Read to learn how you can tell whether or not you have one, how they are treated, and what you can do to avoid them in the future.


5 Lies That Your Dentist Hears All the Time

December 3, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — youramerican @ 7:26 pm
Woman flossing

Have you ever stretched the truth when you were talking to your dentist about your oral hygiene habits? Whether you claim that you floss every single day, or that you don’t bite your nails when you’re nervous, many of us are guilty of telling a fib once in a while. However, you don’t have your dentist fooled. They hear little lies like this all of the time. Continue reading so you find out which lies that your dentist is familiar with so that you know not to tell them.


How Does Nail Biting Impact Your Oral Health?

November 26, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — youramerican @ 1:07 am
Woman biting her nails

Do you have a habit of nail biting? While this may just sound like a harmless thing to do, it can actually be quite harmful to your smile and your health. However, many people still continue to do it, but why? It isn’t completely understood why so many people have the urge to do this, but it can often be linked back to anxiety, boredom, or even perfectionism. Many people don’t even notice that they’re doing it which makes it even more difficult to quit. Continue reading to learn about the many consequences that nail biting can have on your oral health as well as some tips to help you quit.


5 Medical Conditions Your Dentist May Find First

November 8, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — youramerican @ 8:32 pm
Person with diabetes

Most of the time, you probably think about your dental checkups as being all about your oral health. While this is the main focus, there is much more to your regular dental visits than just cleaning away plaque and having your teeth polished. In addition to those steps, your dentist also checks for abnormalities that could indicate that you are dealing with a medical condition elsewhere in the body. Read on to learn about the different medical conditions that your dentist might discover before anyone else does.

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