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Woman with healthy teeth and gums

Periodontal Therapy – Conway, SC

Giving Your Smile a Healthy Foundation

Believe it or not, you can’t have a healthy smile without healthy gums. Your teeth may be white and cavity free, but if your gums are red, swollen, or bleeding, it could point to gum disease. This inflammatory condition, also called periodontal disease, may not seem like a big deal at first, but without treatment, it ultimately leads to tooth loss and even serious medical issues, such as heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, and more. If you think you may have gum disease, contact our team at American Dental care to schedule an appointment with Dr. Murph for periodontal thearpy in Conway, SC.

Why Choose American Dental Care for Periodontal Therapy?

  • Soft Tissue Laser for More Comfortable Treatment
  • Over 25 Years of Dentistry Experience
  • Saturday Appointments Available

Scaling & Root Planing

Closeup of smile during scaling and root planing

If gum disease has advanced to the point where a routine cleaning won’t resolve the problem, we will perform scaling and root planing. Scaling involves going beneath the gum surface to remove deep pockets of trapped plaque and bacteria. Then, we smooth out the rough surfaces on the tooth (root planing), helping with both gum tissue reattachment and protection against future reinfection. Depending on the severity of the infection, we may need to repeat these procedures about every three to four months until we are confident that the harmful bacteria are under control.


Animation of spliting treatment

If gum disease is allowed to continue developing, the gums recede from the teeth, and the infection can spread to the bone and supporting tissues. As a result, teeth can become loose or even come out completely. To stabilize your teeth while we treat your gum disease, we may use a splint or a device that attaches weak teeth together. That way, they stay more firmly in place, and you can keep more of your natural smile intact.

Bone Grafting

Animtion of gum treatment

In advanced periodontal disease, the jaw bone can become infected and weakened. In order to provide enough support for your teeth or even dental implants, this bone needs to be reinforced. Depending on the extent of the damage, Dr. Murph may recommend a bone graft, which is a common procedure that often needs to be completed before placing dental implants. The best part is that Dr. Murph has the necessary skills to perform bone grafts right here in our Conway dental office.